Friday, October 5, 2012

glee broke my heart.

nobody said it was easy.

although the episode is named "The Break-up", and i had already prepared myself for seeing finchel's end,
i didnt expect klaine and brittana to break up also.

i creid like a baby when blaine performed his teary acoustic "teenage dream".
my heart stopped beating when santana sang the supposedly sweet "mine".
tears keep streaming down my face when all the couples appeared again and sang the most heartbreaking "the scientist".

just why! britana's breakup doesnt even make sense!
yes santana smiled at a girl a little longer - that isnt a reason for all they had gone through the past seasons!!
santana fighting for brittney, santana forced into coming out etc etc..
they hv always been there for each other!

AND! blaine has always been the perfect boyfriend for kurt! how on earth would he cheat?
i know kurt is not with him in ohio, but they hv the strongest relationship of all!


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